Saturday Reading List

Saturday, January 6, 2018

If you need even more Best Of Beauty 2017 content to get your new year off to a good start, check out Priya's here.

I loved this post from Into the Gloss about an actual French woman's beauty regimen.

The Rise & Fall of the Basic Bitch: "In a lot of ways, it’s internalized misogyny given a name. It is the phrase 'I’m not like other girls,' packaged as an insult."

The No-Win Conundrum Of The Golden Globes’ #MeToo Red Carpet

I'm absolutely in love with Greta Garbo's bedroom. It appeals to my current obsession with rose-hued everything.

If you've got some time over the weekend, take a peek at goop's Detox Shopping Guide. There are some admittedly wonderful products on here, but unfortunately I'm not sure I can say the same about the session with a "kitchen healer", the colon hydrotherapy, or the coffee enema.

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