Thoughts of the day

Monday, October 24, 2016

  • Dogs (probably) dream about their owners when they sleep, which makes Sansa's snoozes so much sweeter than they already were. 
  • My mom, sisters, & I have been working through this list of horror shorts in honor of the Halloween season. We can only get through a few at a time due to the super tension condensed into every few minutes. 
  • Even though my "capsule wardrobe" has ~50 pieces, it has truly helped my mindset as I go into Autumn and see all the beautiful cool-weather clothes coming out. I'm still trimming as time passes - realizing that I don't need a turquoise tee in October (though you better believe I'm eyeing the navy) or that the black platform clogs I thought about getting rid of are the shoes I reach for most often. It's a learning process, but I've been so much better about not wanting to go clothes shopping! Now, as James brought up, if I could just "capsule" my skincare and makeup... 
  • I'm also committing (as of today) to start a slow process into (potential) vegetarianism. For the next 30 days, I am going to try cutting red meat & pork out of my diet. I'll still eat poultry, because ... baby steps. This also led me to cancel HelloFresh (options are too limited) but keep HomeChef. HomeChef always has at least 2 vegetarian options, and while I am continuing to eat poultry, this will be a great choice in figuring out creative ways to make meals without beef or pork or whatever else. 
  • Roxane Gay lists 13 Rules for Female Friendships - full of helpful truths like "If a friend sends you like 30 crazy emails needing reassurance about the same damn shit, be patient because one day that’s going to be you tearing up Gmail with your drama."
  • This election has brought out the absolute worst in so many people. I'm starting to worry that whether Hillary wins or loses, there will be ensuing violence, especially against POC & LGBTQ communities. 

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